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Exercise Program 

Goal This Week

1. Increase little by little how much you fill your belly in Diaphragm breathing. 
2. Work on posture when sitting.

Exercise Program

Do the exercises below everyday. 
Psoas Detorsion
Pelvic lifts progression 2
Standing posture
Serratus Push ups

Decompression Routine

Do the exercises at the end of everyday. 

Posture Notes

Sitting Posture

- Sit ontop of sit bones- not behind.
-Make sure computer monitor is high enough so you don't look down.

Standing Posture

-Weight over heels- hips over ankle bones, shoulders over hips, ears over shoulders.

-Breathing in front and back of body.

-top of head lengthening to the ceiling

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Laura Sifuentez is a Pilates Instructor, ELDOA™ Trainer, Feet-ness Instructor, wellness professional based in NYC and offering services online worldwide. Laura offers private sessions, in-person sessions and virtual sessions as well as customized movement programs ideal for those with injury, chronic pain, Gait analysis and trouble shooting, arthritis, scoliosis, labral tears, joint dysfunction, joint pain, herniated discs,  back pain, pregnancy, post-natal, surgery recovery & sports recovery. Laura works with women, men, athletes, dancers, elderly and persons of all physical and movement abilities.

©2023 Laura Sifuentez

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